Commercial Film Sets are Transferred to the Computers; Marketing is Becoming Synthetic

Commercial Film Sets are Transferred to the Computers; Marketing is Becoming Synthetic

Technologies that reveal the most dangerous weapons against peace and security often manage to hide behind great benefits. But they destroy more than they provide. Can nuclear medicine and nuclear power make amends for the sin of nuclear weapons? Looking at the benefits of the observation of agricultural lands or search-and-rescue activities, can we say that unmanned aerial vehicles are not digital weapons that are managed from a desk, like in digital war games? Cyberweapons developed with artificial intelligence (AI) technology are not different from them. Deepfakes, which we describe in each sentence with the words “threat” and “danger,” disclose synthetic miracles that manipulate people’s perceptions of the media. Deepfakes have provided hope for the marketing world, which is losing …

Deepfake: Infodemic Spread Through Disinformation and Misinformation is More Fatal than the Pandemic

Infodemic Spread Through Disinformation and Misinformation is More Fatal than the Pandemic

We had barely become accustomed to the idea of a pandemic before an onslaught of new terms took over our lives on the online world and social media. The World Health Organization (WHO) announced that it was fighting not only the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic but also the infodemic: “Trust reliable news sources, not social media content,” it warned. The global outbreak, or the pandemic as it is called, shook us to the core. We have become familiar with the notion of an infodemic, meaning “disinformation of global information and news” on social media. COVID-19 is the first social-media-borne infodemic. No other fictitious/false wave of information or news has reached such a global scale before. The efforts of the WHO, in …

Can You Expose Deepfakes On Zoom?

Can You Expose Deepfakes On Zoom?

“Life under quarantine” brought on by the COVID-19 novel coronavirus pandemic has accelerated the digital transformation. The video conference app Zoom has largely replaced face-to-face meetings. Now there is one more thing that the world has to deal with: zoombombing! This may only be a foreshock. In the previous article, we raised the question, “Are you really meeting with the person you think you are meeting with on Zoom?” So, what happens if they are not the person you think you are talking to? What if the real tremors are still impending on Zoom? A security issue was bound to ensue once the number of Zoom users increased twenty-fold in three months. Zoombombing attacks, or Zoom raids, by uninvited guests …

Deepfake Loves Murky Times

The world was getting ready to face 2020 with an onslaught of deepfake attacks; instead, it is at a loss in the face of the COVID-19 coronavirus onslaught. Most of us would probably prefer deepfake to COVID-19. Alas, the situation that has spiraled into a “pandemic” gave nobody a choice. Don’t lose sight of deepfake while battling the threat of coronavirus on our health and lives. Remember that deepfake loves murky times. Not only does it concoct chaos, but it also captivates people’s minds more easily in an environment of chaos, even when it is not of its own making. As is the case with world media, social media is also inundated with information and images and reflections from all …